ninety-three: the photobook and t-shirts


Photo book featuring all 93 photographs from the final
series, many of which have not been seen before.

Coupon codes (thru 12/16):
 BLURBGIFT-1  (20% off any purchase)
BLURBGIFT-2  (25% off $150+)

Electronic version

Standard ePub format.
Viewable in iBooks on Apple devices.

ninety-three: t-shirts and stickers
A series of ninety-three logos based on current and
historic highway signs from the state of Nebraska
that can be purchased on t-shirts and as stickers.

Please note that the shirts can be ordered in a variety
of colors and in children's sizes as well.

Buy six stickers or more and they are half price.

Current RedBubble coupon code: HITHERE10
10% off through 12/31/13

A July update

near Burchard, Nebraska 

Site of Old Plymouth, Nebraska 

Rosalie, Nebraska (Detail)

Despite my extensive travels throughout the state of Nebraska, there are still a few places I have yet to visit. I've spent a few days this month working on remedying that fact, at least the towns that are close enough for a day trip. The photographs above are from these treks.

It appears that July has lessened its grip on us all a little earlier this year than usual after only two weeks or so of unrelenting heat. I'm looking forward to picking back up on the Platte River project soon with a few new ideas as to how to approach it. Hopefully I'll have some positive results to show in the coming weeks along with more from Fontenelle.

Summer at Fontenelle

My time spent walking through Fontenelle Forest has reached its fourth and final season. The woods are entirely different in the summer, full of buzzing life and weedy greenery. It's a shame that the humidity around here is enough to kill a person off after just a mile or two of the hilly terrain that defines much of Fontenelle. Despite my many visits to the forest, there are still a few trail sections that I have yet to see. I find myself revisiting many of the same places repeatedly, my favorites.

The project is coming along nicely. While I'm not sure when and how it will be exhibited, I look forward to showing the images off at some point. It's been a great change of pace for me.