But I know you're thinking of me 'cause it's just about to rain

Photographs from a week spent heading west to Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Nevada. It was a largely successful trip with lots of open road and interesting landscapes. There was a tire incident that was luckily resolved quickly at the Bonneville Salt Flats exit on I-80, but all was well outside of that all-too-familiar experience.

I’m once again at somewhat of a crossroads, a bit paralyzed creatively about what comes next after photographing the Great Plains for West of Here. Some of this trip was spent adding to that project, but, once I had pressed into the mountains, I found myself stuck on exactly why I was doing what I was doing. I’m sure this will resolve itself eventually due to the way I collect images for later organization, but I couldn’t stop thinking “Everyone photographs the mountains. What can I offer?”

Despite all of that, I am happy with the photographs I found and enjoyed the week on the road before winter arrives in Omaha.

Post title: The Mountain Goats - 1 John 4:16