But I know you're thinking of me 'cause it's just about to rain

Photographs from a week spent heading west to Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Nevada. It was a largely successful trip with lots of open road and interesting landscapes. There was a tire incident that was luckily resolved quickly at the Bonneville Salt Flats exit on I-80, but all was well outside of that all-too-familiar experience.

I’m once again at somewhat of a crossroads, a bit paralyzed creatively about what comes next after photographing the Great Plains for West of Here. Some of this trip was spent adding to that project, but, once I had pressed into the mountains, I found myself stuck on exactly why I was doing what I was doing. I’m sure this will resolve itself eventually due to the way I collect images for later organization, but I couldn’t stop thinking “Everyone photographs the mountains. What can I offer?”

Despite all of that, I am happy with the photographs I found and enjoyed the week on the road before winter arrives in Omaha.

Post title: The Mountain Goats - 1 John 4:16


Photographs from a Labor Day spent exploring the Pisgah / Preparation Canyon section of the Loess Hills for the first time in awhile, like visiting an old friend…

Thank you!

It’s hard to believe two months have already passed and the show has come to an end. To all who made it out to see I’ve Been Here Before - thank you for your support. It means a lot to all of five of us.

I was thrilled to see so many of my photographs presented exactly how I had envisioned in such a great space, and to share work with such talent artists / friends. It can be difficult for photographers to find a place for their images alongside work from other disciplines, and I was proud to see how well this all worked together. Special thanks to Katie Temple for her vision that made this opportunity possible!